Sunday, October 12, 2014


So.... It's kinda been a while. But you know what? I don't come here ashamed or regretful that I've abandoned you all summer. Rather I feel excited about telling you all of the exciting things that you missed while I was away!

Let me think... I went to High School Camp and worshiped God. I celebrated my birthday and my sister's birthday. I trained at Texas Ballet Theater for three weeks. I relaxed and worked and laughed and cried. I did a lot of ballet. I painted my room. We had parties and BBQ and kitties and Merlin. Yes, I would call this summer a very good summer!

And then the rhythm of school began. School. Duel Enrolment classes at a local college. Committees and such I participate in. Ballet. I now teach two ballet/tap classes by myself! I like and benefit from all of these things, but lately I just get stuck in the regular schedules of life and the piling amount of it that I forget to enjoy the moments. I forget to breathe. I forget to laugh. I forget to let go of my schedule a bit and take in what's around me.

I call this, to-doism.

/to-doism/ (pronounced to-do-ism) 1. the act of keeping one's eyes focused on a schedule so that one misses out on the joys of life. 2. trying to get everything done in a timely manner. 3. commonly called stress. 

To-doism sneaks up on you. I takes you by surprise, because at first it appears necessary and good. After all, you have to get everything done, so why not plan the day to make sure everything fits? Schedules and lists and calculations help, right? Alarms, measurements, speed, quality, ratios, proportions. Tasks, Bible time, cleaning, school, prayer, family. Good things. Good ideas. But it lacks something.

Yes. Getting everything done and using lists and such to help is good. And for some people, these practices won't lead to to-doism. But for me and my sensitive, gentle, perfectionist spirit, a lifestyle of schedules leads to to-doism. And it isn't pretty.

To-doism leads to stretched, tired, stressed, inadequate feelings that scream rest and work at the same time and lead you towards neither.  To-doism puts all of the emphasis on you and what you can and cannot do. It gives merit and punishment, but never grace. It over-exaggerates and makes everything more dramatic. It focuses on the temporary, day-to-day things instead of heavenly joys. It keeps your eyes on you feet while a beautiful sunset fans out ahead.

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Don't believes the lies of to-doism. Don't fall into its' trap. Don't let to-doism steal your joy.

Instead, follow grace with passion. Follow God with love. Hold your schedules in open hands. Know that today will pass away, but we have eternity before us. And when you follow Jesus, this eternity is bliss.

I don't suggest that you throw your hands up in the air and watch Netflix all day. I don't suggest that you abandon all lists and schedules. But I do suggest living. Really, truly living. Letting life interrupt your plans sometimes. Resting when you need rest. Laughing at every opportunity. Valuing eternity over temporary. Working with joy. Resting with joy. Giving grace to others. Giving grace to yourself. Because God has given your grace.

Whatever you face and whatever your schedule, I invite you and give you permission to rest in God's grace. To pause for a moment. To laugh. To pray. To relax. Because the truth is, the things-to-do will never end. Life will never stop demanding things of us. But how we respond to Life's demands will change our lives. Will we try to control everything by following to-doism? Or will we live in joy and grace as we go about our tasks, enjoy the moments in-between?

Today, and every day, I want to choose grace. I do not want to let to-doism take away any more of the joy that my Father has given me! So let the world bring on its' tasks and business. I have the God of all on my side! And with Him, I can do anything, even take a step back to rest.

Psalm 62:5 only HIM
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Choose joy with me!
