Sunday, March 3, 2013


Sunday afternoon has rolled around, and I remembered that I haven't touched my blog in a week. That's too long. So I will write about Sunday.

I have already mentioned that Friday is my favorite day of the week, but I also love Sundays. First of all, I get to go to church and worship God, which is awesome! Second of all, Sunday is the day of rest, and I love to rest. I take that back, most of Sunday is restful. The morning might be the exception.

Sunday morning are almost always hectic. I live in a house full of girls, and so everyone is fixing her hair or trying to find the right shoes. I prefer to think through my outfit the night before, to avoid last minute panic, but I occasionally find myself rushing to be ready on time. Okay, maybe more often than occasionally.

You see, I have these dreams.  I dream that it is morning and I have to go somewhere, but I either woke up too late, or I toke too long doing my make up, so I am running late. These dreams always end up with me rushing out of the door, stressed and sometimes not even ready. Then I wake up, and the dream becomes a reality.

Yeah, I don't like those dreams. That's one of the reasons why I always give myself plenty of time to get ready. I really do think that I have a small fear of not having enough time to get ready in the morning. 

But once the morning is over, the rest of the day is delightful. (For some reason, the word "delightful" sounds British in my head.) This morning, in Sunday School, we stood outside and read out of Acts 4-5, which I may have to write about later, because it is so powerful!

Then comes Sunday afternoon.

This afternoon embodied rest and other nice things, except for the vegetable dip that I made; that was nasty. There's always lots of time to catch up on my TV shows, like White Collar. I lounged on the couch while looking at the Sunday ads, and wasted time on the internet. There's even time this afternoon to write a blog post!

When Sunday evening comes, something hits me. I realize that tomorrow is Monday. There is only a few more hours left of the weekend! I had better enjoy them as much as I can, so I watch Once Upon a Time, another one of my favorite shows. Sometimes, there might even be a dessert, like the salted caramel chocolate chip cookies that I will bake tonight (recipe later).

Now I am off to enjoy the rest of my Sunday, hope you have a good one too,


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