First, I had my Sweet Sixteen birthday party. Due to scheduling, I held my party before my actual birthday. (Personally, I like that better. That way, I get two days to celebrate my birthday. What could go wrong?)
Now, I have been thinking about this party for a while. Almost a year ago, I decided that on my sixteenth birthday party, I would get a limo. And I did. Now, I didn't have the whole party planned out a year ago, so I spent the week leading up to the party planning, making reservations, sending invitations, and what not.
Then came the party.
Now, I love parties. I love the people, I love the food, I love the music, and I love the laughter. For my sweet sixteen, I wanted to make it sweet, so after a homemade dinner, we all got in the limo and went downtown to eat dessert. (A very yummy dessert, I must say. I got the chocolate mouse cake.)
After exchanging our share of spooky dream stories and other normal conversations like that, we all got back into the limo and dropped everyone back off at their homes, which took a while, since some people lived farther out. All the better, that means more time in the limo.
When the limo pulled into my driveway, I was so tired. My best friend was spending the night and we thought that we were just going to go to bed. But really, what fun is going to bed, and how often do you have a limo in your driveway?
So somehow we manged to find the necessary energy to have a ridiculously fun midnight pajama party in the limo. Yes, you heard me right. Midnight. Pajama. Party. In a limo. This said party was complete with little sisters, pillow fights, peanut butter m&ms, and Taylor Swift. When we got home, we crashed. But that was one of the best nights ever!
And that wan't even my birthday;, that was just the party.
On your birthday, people always ask you if you "feel different". What do they expect the answer to be? Of course everyone's just the same as the day before, only happier because they ate cake and received presents.
I did feel slightly different, though. The day was full of possibilities and fun.I ate brownies for breakfast and painted my nails pick with my best friend. I went out to a Mexican restaurant with my family and then we saw Man Of Steel in theaters. (The move was very good, and I recommend it.)
I opened presents and then we ate cake. I love those words: and then we ate cake. I had Red Velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. (Picture shown below.) Maybe Marie Antoinette wasn't so far off when she recommended cake. After all, cake makes everything happier. (I tried to think of a situation that cake couldn't make better, but failed. If you can think of one, please share.)

I'm sixteen now. Do I feel different? Maybe. Well, not really. But I am excited for what this year holds. I'm excited for what God will show me this year, and the places that I will grow in Him.
Hello sixteen. My name is Hannah. Let's go places.